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The TFSA, or Tax-Free Savings Account was first offered in 2009 as a way for Canadian adults with a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) to set money aside tax-free. 借助TFSA,您可以進行合資格的投資,而且這些儲蓄可以終生免稅增長。您的TFSA中賺取的所有利息、股息和資本收益在賺取和提款時均免無須繳稅。
Here are nine ways to make the most of your TFSA :
1. Understand your TFSA contribution limit
年度供款額包括政府規定的金額和往年任何未使用的供款額。此外,往年提取的款項會從提款後的第二年重新加入至供款額。 For example, the contribution limit in 2024 is $7,000.但是,如果您2023年未使用的供款額度為$2,000,則此金額會結轉至2024年,您的供款限額總計為$9,000。每年的供款限額由三個金額相加確定:
- 2024年規定的年度供款限額為$7,000
- 您在前一年的任何提款金額(不包括從一個TFSA直接轉入至另一個TFSA的金額)
- 往年所有未使用的供款額
2. Refrain from over-contributing to your TFSA to avoid penalty
每筆TFSA的供款都會計入供款限額。從您的賬戶中提款不會影響您的供款限額,直到下一年。例如,假設2024年的TFSA供款限額為$8,000。 You contribute $6,000 in March, leaving you with a contribution room of $2,000 for the rest of the year. If you withdraw $4,000 in October, your contribution room does not change until 2025.此時,或許您只能額外供款$2,000。如果在2024年將提取的$4,000存入賬戶,則會超過供款限額。
- 隨時了解每個曆年規定的年度限額,並確保供款不會超出允許的範圍。
- 將TFSA從一所金融機構轉到另一所金融機構時要謹慎。建議您選擇直接轉賬,而不是從一個賬戶中提款,再向另一個賬戶重新供款,這可能會導致超額供款,而且會超出每月要繳納1%的稅款。
- Filing a tax return annually will allow you to check your total available contribution room via Canada Revenue Agency's e-services or call center services.
- Information provided in your Canada Revenue Agency account (MyCRA) may not be immediately updated to include your most recent transactions.為避免意外超額供款,最明智的做法是自行留意TFSA供款和提取的款項。
3. Know TFSA contribution basics & eligibility
- 從您年滿18歲的那一年開始,TFSA供款額每年都會累積,即使您尚未開設TFSA注册計劃。如果您今日首次開設TFSA,並且自2009年起已年滿18歲,在2024年的供款上限為$95,000。
- 只有加拿大居民可以向TFSA供款。如果您的身份變為「非加拿大居民」,仍可以保留個人TFSA賬戶,並且從賬戶賺取的收入依然免於繳納加拿大所得稅。但是,您將無法向個人TFSA進一步供款,並且由於非居民的身分,供款額不會在任何一年內累積。請諮詢稅務顧問,了解非加拿大人的潛在稅務影響。
4. Understanding TFSA withdrawal rules
您可以從TFSA賬戶以實物形式提款至非注册賬戶。 To transfer investments from a TFSA to an Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), the securities must be 'de-registered' to a non-registered account first before being contributed to an RRSP.請緊記,現時個人投資的市價將決定轉入至其他賬戶的金額。轉入至RRSP時,供款金額將相等於投資的現時價值。但是,轉入至非注册投資賬戶時,TFSA投資現時的價值將成為非注册投資的成本基準,這將決定最終投資出售時産生的未來收益或損失。
You can take advantage of in-kind withdrawals when you require additional funds in order to help maximize your RRSP contribution for the year.供款額在下一年更新後,仍然可以靈活按照提款金額向TFSA賬戶重新供款。
5. 分散投資組合
在TFSA賬戶中賺取的收益和利息是完全免於繳稅的。因此,建立包括TFSA在內的分散投資組合可能是好方法。只要總供款額度未超過年度供款限額,可以持有的TFSA將不設數量限制。管理多個TFSA時,請定期檢查每個賬戶的供款,並根據總供款限額核實金額,從而避免任何意外的超額供款。個人投資顧問可以就分散投資組合的方式為您提供指引。如情況理想,建議您投資多種證券。 This can include mutual funds, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and Exchange-Traded Fund (ETFs), among others. You may also choose to manage your own investment portfolio and opt for a self-directed TFSA , which will allow you to manage multiple investments within a single TFSA and to track markets to ensure a higher return on investment (ROI).
6. TFSA供款自動化
大大提高TFSA潜力是確保它不斷持續增長。關鍵策略是儘早供款,使投資有更多時間增長。開啟賬戶自動存款功能,確保您可以穩定向TFSA供款, 讓TFSA在免稅環境中增長。彼时,從RRSP中提款亦未必是上上之策,因為從RRSP或RRIF中提款是須要繳稅的。
7. 管理TFSA的交易頻率
8. Plan for the long-term
TFSA賬戶不失為未來儲蓄的好方法,在不同情況下可能會派上用場。例如,萬一要提前退休,則可能須要等待幾年才有資格領取退休金。 At that time, withdrawing from your RRSP may not be the preferred approach either as withdrawals from RRSPs or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIFs) are taxable.相比之下,提取TFSA賬戶的資金則無須繳稅。這足以使TFSA和RRSP成為退休的靈活投資工具。
9. 指定受益人
True flexibility – TFSA vs RRSP
When comparing TFSAs and RRSPs, flexibility is one of the key differentiators.TFSA讓您隨心所欲供款和提取款項,而且任何時候都無須繳稅。 In contrast, RRSPs treat withdrawals as income, thus incurring taxation—even when withdrawing during retirement.由於TFSA收入無須繳稅,因此可以成為大大提高投資回報的明知策略。
TFSAs can work well for multiple savings goals, providing a great way to save for short-term needs as well as long-term goals such as retirement.雖然RRSP通常會轉換為RRIF,後者需要持有人年滿72歲起設立全年最低提款額,而TFSA則可以一直實現資金增值。開始評估善用TFSA的良機及密切關注個人供款限額,並準備投資,讓資金增長,同時免於繳稅。
What is the 2024 TFSA contribution limit?
TFSA contribution limits are set annually by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and increased from $6,500 in 2023 to $7,000 in 2024. Contribution limits are indexed to inflation every year and then rounded to the nearest $500.
What is the TFSA contribution room?
Your contribution room determines the maximum amount you can contribute to a TFSA. If you were 18 or older in 2009, your contribution room increases every year regardless of whether you have a TFSA or file an income tax return. If you turned 18 after 2009, you started earning contribution room in the year you turned 18 and your contribution room will have increased every following year. Contribution room isn't affected by changes in the value of your TFSA investments or any income earned within your TFSA.
What is the lifetime limit for TFSA?
While there is no lifetime limit, the maximum contribution room for people who have lived in Canada their entire life, were 18 or older when TFSAs were first introduced in 2009, and who have never contributed to a TFSA could be as high as $95,000 in 2024.
How to open a TFSA?
Here are two of the more popular ways to invest with a TFSA in Canada.
1. Regular TFSAs : These TFSAs include savings account TFSAs, GIC TFSAs, and mutual fund TFSAs. Regular TFSAs can hold a range of investments but are limited to the products offered by the financial institution you opened it with.
2. Self-Directed TFSAs: Self-directed TFSAs aren’t limited to investments offered by the financial institution you open it with and allow you to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other securities. You get to choose and manage the investments in your account. With a self-directed TFSA, you have the flexibility to hold multiple asset types within the same account.
You need to meet certain eligibility criteria and have a social insurance number (SIN) to open a TFSA. You can learn everything you need to know about opening a TFSA by reading our how to invest with a TFSA article.